Comparing mocking frameworks: How to handle optional parameter with NSubstituite, Moq and FakeItEasy

Depending on which mocking framework you are using you might have to handle optional parameters differently and in this short article I will compare and demonstrate the differences in the three major mocking frameworks NSubstitute, Moq and FakeItEasy.…

Loose vs. Strict mocking behaviour

I thought I would demonstrate the difference between Loose and Strict mocking behaviour when using the Moq Framework. By default when you create a new mock and don't specify a MockBehaviour it will be assigned MockBehaviour.Default, which equals to MockBehaviour.Loose.…

Moq vs. NSubstitute vs. FakeItEasy

Today I though I would do some syntax comparison between a few of the biggest Mocking Framework in .NET: Moq, NSubstitute and FakeItEasy. Although these framework have slight functional differences they pretty much do the same thing but in different syntax and lingo.…

NUnit vs. xUnit

The endless battle between the two testing frameworks NUnit and xUnit is a hot potato and in this blog post I intend to give my two cents on this topic.…

Parallelism: NUnit vs. xUnit

Running your tests in parallel can significantly improve the speed of your test runs, but it could give you occasional problems especially if you're working on static implementations. Also turns out that depending on which testing framework you're using parallelism might be handled differently.…